Penang Story

Penang Story

The Past

Penang's modern history began in 1786- with the acquisition of the island from the then Sultan of Kedah by the British East India Company led by Francis Light. Penang was offered to the British by the Sultan under the promise of Military protection. Light founded and established George Town as a free port. In 1826 Penang, Singapore and Malacca were incorporated into the Straits Settlements with George Town as the capital. Economic prosperity grew rapidly along with the a cosmopolitan population. Penang was heavily bombed and invaded by the Japanese in 1941. Japanese occupation of the Island lasted 4 years until the British retook Penang in 1945. Independence from the British was gained on August 31st, 1957. Tunku Abdul Rahman was the first Prime Minister of the now independent Malaysia. Penang is 1 of 13 States and 3 Territories that form the Malaysian Federation.

The Present

In the present, Penang is a bustling metropolis that retains its historical charm. George Town's UNESCO World Heritage Site status preserves its multicultural heritage, drawing in tourists and history enthusiasts. Additionally, the state has evolved into an economic powerhouse with a strong emphasis on technology and manufacturing. Penang's Free Industrial Zone has attracted global tech giants, contributing significantly to the region's economic growth.

The Future

Looking ahead, Penang is positioning itself as a hub for innovation and research. Initiatives such as the Penang2030 vision outline strategies for a smart, inclusive, and sustainable future. This vision encompasses enhancing education, healthcare, and infrastructure, ensuring that Penang remains a livable and attractive destination.